
Front Porch Sessions (Porchtraits)

For a limited time, I am offering a fun and unique spin on the traditional family photo session as part of the #frontporchphoto project. Front porch photos have exploded recently across the United States and Canada. It’s a great way to get a quick family photo session while capturing the difficult times we are all in.

Front Porch sessions are done in an extremely safe manner as to maintain the social distancing that’s required. I setup 10-15 feet from your porch or other location on your front yard and capture some amazing family portraits. As an added precaution, I will wear a face shield and gloves while maintaining more than the recommended spacing between people. Porch photo sessions cost $75; sessions are safe and secure, will last between 5-10 minutes and you will get all of the images sent to you in a digital format for you to share with family and friends.

It’s a completely contactless process. Payment is done via either Venmo, PayPal or the credit card of your choice. Images will be sent to you via private gallery where you can then download them to your computer or phone and I transfer all the rights of the images to you.

I have limited slots available each day for these sessions. Book today by sending an email to or fill out the form below to request a Front Porch Photo and to join the #frontporchphoto project.

Want to see some of the recent Porchtraits? Just click here!

Ready to schedule a session, find a date and time on the calendar that works for you and confirm your shoot. Need to ask a question, fill out the form below and I’ll get right back to you!